Our story starts with a small black Shetland, somewhat debilitated with Arthritis, often suffering foundering episodes and borderline Cushings. Mostly we were keeping on top of his inflammatory conditions with veterinary assistance, farrier expertise, and by feeding mainstream low starch and sugar options, but at times we struggled with the management of his conditions.

We felt compelled to do more.

That's when we discovered the highly fermentable fibre of hemp hulls, along with the quality protein and essential fatty acids of hemp hearts, and when brought together, they worked harmoniously when fed to our small black pony.

Being a low sugar and starch feed option, we then set about enlisting the help and advice of industry leaders, equine nutritionists and veterinarians to assist us in formulating a high fibre feed to support his digestive system, whilst we continue to offer good management practices to support his conditions, we now include Harmony in his normal daily diet.

Our little black horse is a happier and healthier version of himself by including a feed that is in harmony with his natural digestive system.

Black Horse Naturals and the flagship feed, Harmony, was born from a genuine need to ensure we were supporting the overall good health, well-being, and vitality of one of our favourite four-legged friends.

Where will your story start?